About Us

WhatAreOptions.com is your best source of information on options trading strategies. Unlike others, we teach you exactly how to identify when options are mispriced and how to take advantage of that mispricing.

We are proud of our track record and we have the receipts to prove it. Others only highlight their positive results, while we show you all the results, including the good, the bad, and the ugly (and yes, a few ugly trades sneak in), because, in the end, you'll see that our annual returns are amazing. No one trade is guaranteed, but over time we DO guarantee that you will succeed if you strictly follow our strategies (on some services only; see individual product notes for more info)!

Using our strategies, Bryan has seen a whopping 314.54% return on his stock options in 2024 to date (see his statements here). As always, results may vary, but our goal is to share these same time-tested strategies to help you succeed in your own options trading portfolio.


Bryan Strain


With 26 years of options experience under his belt, Bryan is our resident trading guru, as well as the acting President and head of WhatAreOptions.com. Bryan spent multiple decades mentoring under, and working alongside, Don Fishback, the visionary who originally brought probability analysis on options trading to retail investors over 30 years ago. Since then, Bryan and Don have worked together to improve our educational products. As Don's successor, Bryan continues to teach Don's methods, implement trade ideas, and improve ongoing services. He has honed his analysis skills to a fine point and now shares his strategies with others on a daily basis.

Nate Roberts


Nate is the newest member of our team and is over our office and business operations. He has the diverse experience and education that keeps WAO running.

Terri McDonald

Director of Sales & Support

Terri has been working with the team longer than anyone else, starting way back when it was only Don Fishback, 27 years ago! She does a fantastic job supporting our sales and support. She is the voice on the phone. Many of our clients know her by name, and to them . . . she is the company.

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We are willing to share our expert analysis, for free, every market trading day. Why? Because we're convinced that once you see how effective we are, you'll be utterly gobsmacked and become hooked on our products.